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Ivy's first EP 'Beautiful Outcasts' is out now on bandcamp. 

     Ivy is a gifted young soul with a wise heart who yearns to portray other people's realities through her own music. Her songs range from encouraging and uplifting lyrics to struggles with suicide, abuse, and cancer. Her goal is "not exactly make the words pretty, it is to make them real". She wants to touch people with her songs and the stories attached to them as well.


     "Even though I may have written these songs for specific issues in my own life, I want everyone else to make it their own. A few years ago, I moved away from my sister (not by blood) and it was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. After months of depression and struggle, I finally adjusted and made a new best friend. About 9 months after meeting him, I had to move away again.. But this time to another country. I was heartbroken, but one thing he told me really stuck with me, and always will. He told me, 'Never stop writing music. Do me a favor, use your ability to write lyrics to speak for people who don't have voices.' The impact that has made on me alone is probably one of the biggest things that has kept me writing now. I would really love to hear how my songs have impacted other peoples issues specifically. I want more than anything to change other people's lives for the better with the gift I've been given."

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